Sunday, March 14, 2010

SXSW:Experimental Design: Your User Interface Is Your Laboratory

When I heard that Kent Brewster was going to basically have a redo of last year's "Kick-Ass Mash-Ups", I decided to head to this panel on test driven design iterations. I'd hoped for some higher level discussions, but it kinda turned out to be an A/B Testing 101.

Do screenshots convert better than video?
A/B test for a couple days and results showed that screenshots converted better.

Interesting concept put forth by the FreshBooks and Google rep: The goal of all the testing is to keep more people in the funnel through out the process...basically to plug the holes in the bottom of the funnel. Google wants websites to have higher conversions (make more money from each entry to the funnel) so that they can get more ad business.

The moral of the story is to use funnel analysis to determine where you should do the A/B testing. Then, taking into account the user cycle, perform the test for at least one cycle. Also, testing is just a single component of the testing (personas, interviews, etc.)

I should have just stayed in Kick-Ass Mash-Ups.

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