Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Solar Power

I was intrigued this morning after listening to a podcast that included a plug for a personal solar powered charger. The Solio - Portable Hybrid Solar Power Charger was the device featured, but after looking at that website, I began to search for systems that might be able to charge my beast of a laptop. After finding a product that could do that, I wondered what might be involved in acquiring a system that would provide/supplement grid power. Something that would provide power and return excess power to the grid or pull additional power from the grid. had many systems for purchase. This page has an outline of the systems I just described. I also found stand alone systems that are designed for RV or marine use. That's a system that would charge a battery bank, for on-demand use -- off grid. None of it is cheap, but it's all really interesting.

And yes, I was going to do the Wednesday ride this morning...but didn't. I'll ride later.

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