SXSW: TIme + Social + Location: What's next in Mobile Experiences?
The title of this one kinda says it all. I had high hopes, but it fell short. I was hoping for some demos and at the very least interesting ideas from all players, but was left with a few interesting snippets from Naveen of FourSquare and nothing more.
Paraphrases from the seminar:
"Just hitting the critical mass of devices that easily support geo-location. Sharing is increasing popular and open (the progression from FB -> Twitter -> FourSquare)."
Realtime tracking is creepy.
The hook. How do you achieve the hook? Make it somewhat of a game. The points on FourSquare, drop-off/pick-up on Gowalla, progress bar on LinkedIn, etc. The want to get all the achievements on a game or get the most points of all your friends.
I'm unimpressed with these insights so far. I think Jesse Schell did a much better job communicating this in a video I watched last night:
Naveen Selvadurai (@naveen of FourSquare) didn't think that augmented reality out of home is going to provide viable interfaces in the foreseeable future.
There was a question about serendipity, specifically when checking a feed. It seems to boil down to controlled serendipity vs. social serendipity. Naveen seemed to think it's mostly controlled because algorithms control what to see in your feed even if you don't know it.
A question was asked about game mechanic fatigue. How do you keep users engaged? Naveen conceded that fatigue is inevitable, as it is with anything. But people come back. What about advertisers? The panel responded ideas like sponsoring, what's nearby, etc.
I kinda wish I'd entertained a guilty pleasure: This one was a dud.
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