Sunday, March 14, 2010

SXSW: Sunday Keynote - Valerie Casey

The Sunday keynote was a talk about the interactive community's role in sustainability. I figure I'll put up these notes and come back time permitting.

Why does a salad cost more than a big mac?
Iraq burn pits

The Designers Accord:
personal accountability

collective accountability

a system is more than the sum of it's parts
feedback delays + bounded rationality = design traps
no such thing as a side effect
creating the right measurements of success
selecting the correct lever for change
enabling new models by recognizing the relationship between structure and behavior
Issue attention cycles: degree of awareness is inversly correlated to the degree of production action

Cannot get a new bahavior from a system without changing it's structure slinky vs. box
The Hub - place for social entrepenuers to collaborate

A system is a colleciton of elements and interconnections that are highly organized to achieve an overall goal or purpose

every profession bears the responsbility of understanding the circumstances that enabled it's existance

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