Sunday, April 15, 2007

Judson & The Wrath

Did the Judson Ride this morning. It was good, except that I missed the first part of it and had to chase for nearly an hour to catch. It was by the good grace of a flat that I was relieved of my misery. I felt good and bad the entire ride. Legs felt good, but my stomach felt bad...which was my own fault. Let me elaborate.

I got to Evanston last night after spending the entire afternoon helping Erin with her HTML final project. I then packed up all my shit and drove to my parent's house (Evanston). Ron, Betsy, and Matt (relatives I stayed with in Cali) were still up - their last night in Chicago. We chatted for an hour or so before everyone was too tired to hold their heads up. After they went to bed, I found some ice cream in the freezer and proceeded to indulge myself. At some point I lost all self control and it turned into gorging. I was conscious of the fact that I was going to pay for it the next day. I did.

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