Monday, March 15, 2010

SXSW: Beyond the Desktop: Embracing New Interaction Paradigms

Minority Report and Iron Man were used as good example of futuristic interaction paradigms.

Industrial/Mechanical technology 1 input 1 output. Post industrial/digital technology.

This panel got really interesting as questions were asked and conversation developed. The crowd seemed a bit awed with Johnny Lee Chung (of WiiMote hacking fame), but to his credit, he did have some rather insightful slides. David Merrill also had some interesting comments. I'd see him before (at least I think it was him) on TED videos demoing his Siftables.

I don't think Johnny Lee is going to publish his slides, but the thing I found most striking about them was late in the deck, when he talked about the range of interfaces, from an iPod Shuffle, to a in-dash navigation system in a car. Any beyond a desktop computer we begin to use another, smaller device to control. Any device as small as a phone the trend is to use touch, so we can have input and output in the same space. Keyboard and mouse has been so effective for the space in-between a phone and TV that it's unlikely that a new paradigm is going to over take it. Where the challenge becomes more interesting is where you want to have more than one input to your device. Collaborative programming was the example used in the session. Food for thought.

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