Sunday, July 05, 2009

IE8 finally working on my netbook

The netbook is back! I'd set it aside a few months ago after getting the MacBook from work. Don't get me wrong, I still used it, but just not quite as much. Then I foolishly decided to let Windows Update install IE8, and the crash-on-launch behavior of IE8 began. I got frustrated. There didn't seem to be a quick fix, and so I quit using the 1000HE (IE isn't my primary browser, but is easiest for me to check my work email).

Now that my main Windows box is still experiencing the sniffles from a full blown virus, I've returned to the netbook and am happy to report that IE8 is all better. As part of the repair process for the desktop I went through the Control Panel to reset all Internet Options to the factory settings. This proved to be the fix for IE8 on the 1000HE. If you happen to have a similar problem or hear of someone who does, suggest this simple solution. You'll loose all your customizatinos, but you should probably be using Firefox or Chrome as a primary browser anyway.

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