Friday, June 29, 2007

Critical Mass Package

I got a package from Critical Mass today. It was a Nalgene-style bottle with a Critical Mass branded bracelet, notepad, pen, refrigerator magnet, and necklace-badge holder. It was very cool. Erin and I got stuffed spinach Carmen's Pizza before going to You Kill Me. The movie was really good. Very funny, in a sad way at times, but still very funny. Erin and I leave tomorrow morning at eight o'clock for Proctor.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

BMC to the rescue

Cyclingnews reported that the BMC team came to the aid of Navigators soigneur Janis Burns the night after the fourth stage of Nature Valley. The article can be found in the first edition news. Apparently a large man broke into the soigneur's room in a burglary attempt. She chased the man to the parking lot where the BMC team had just arrived. "Dan Schmatz body-slammed him and his teammates held him down until the police cruisers arrived," Burns said.

Let me just say, way to go Dan.


I have a job!!! Critical Mass. From their website: "Critical Mass helps organizations define, build, measure, and expand their Internet strategy and presence." Basically they take websites and make them better. The Chicago office is being upgraded to a full production house and I'm going to be part of the technical team. The first project will be for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Association. I start on Monday, so this is my last week of completely flex time, but I'm really really excited about this job!

Monday, June 25, 2007

First Interview

I had my first formal interview in many months today. I was sweatin' the details, but after it was all done I think I did a good job. I spent every second between when I got up and when I got to the interview preparing. Last night I compiled a code sample and this morning I printed it out. I ran out of printer paper and had to search for it. I also printed out talking points about the company. Once I was on the CTA, I called Erin so that she could read me popular interview questions, and I could prepare my answers to them. My confidence was pretty good by the time I got to the interview. It went well, and I hope to have good news in the next couple of days!

I spent the rest of the afternoon at the District visiting Dad and Erin. Erin works in a library with no windows. She wouldn't know if it were sunny or raining. We got a ride back to Evanston with dad and took the Purple line the rest of the way. I hope to hear something soon about the job.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


One of my quotes was used in the Pioneer Press as the lead for the ENH Grand Prix story. Erin sent the link to me on Thursday, but for lack of internet, I was unable to see it. In the Evanston Review there is also a photo of Chris Mailing, Chris D, and others. I'm glad there's at least a few ripples in the water about the race.

I have to spend the rest of the night preparing for an interview I have tomorrow. I don't want to get excited too soon, but the company, simply put, makes things better. It's been a while since I've gone through the interview process, so I have to get my act together. First thing on the list is compiling a code portfolio.

Tour of Ohio Report Two

The second half of Tour of Ohio was slightly better than the first. Stage Four was a up & down, mile+ criterium. It wasn't really a course for me, but I should have been able to finish it out. I faded during laps 17 down to 12 and eventually got popped. I was disappointed in my personal performance, but extremely pleased with Erik's second place. The announced said Erik was "banging his bars in frustration" as he crossed the line. It was impressive to watch Erik ride with such control for the whole race. Stage Five was a ~11 mile course with a challenging hill at the beginning of each lap. The first time up the climb was the most difficult for me just because I needed to open my legs up and the hill came after only a couple miles of racing. After I recovered from the hill each lap I was able to be active and mix it up a bit. It was a fast course and a break would have taken the right mix. Due to stomach problems I wasn't able to eat during the race and my legs went empty during the last lap. Erik and Jamie mixed it up in the sprint for a 7 and 11th. Stage Six was a boring rectangle with a slight rise on one end of the rectangle. At the front the race was easy, but you had to have your wits about you to stay there. I faded in the last quarter of the race and couldn't hold a good position. I just rode it out and wasn't able to contribute to the 10,11,&12 that the team achieved. Again, I was kind of disappointed with my ride, but I suppose it was at the end of six days of racing.

All in all the Tour of Ohio was a good experience. It was good to spend the time with my teammates and work on team building.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tour of Ohio Report One

The first three days of Tour of Ohio were a rollercoaster for me. Stage One was a flat, short, eight-corner criterium. I got a terrible starting position, and consequently my race was over before it started. Everyone was really skiddish and many people crashed in ones and twos. Stage Two was bad. It was a torrential downpour before the race, and the rain hadn't stopped by the start either. I lost any nerve that I had and rode at the back. It didn't help and I was eventually dropped. Both Erik and Derek flatted. Bad day, let's move on. Stage Three was the king stage. There were many 300-400 foot climbs that stung out the group. Fortunately I was feeling much better, and was able to get to the front before the climbs and survive. About half way through the race I began to feel more confident and started to mix it up at the front. That was a mistake because just past half way there were two tough climbs back to back. I sank through the back like a rock sinks in water. I was just able to catch on by the second climb, only to get dropped even harder. The picture was the taken at the bottom of the climb where I got dropped. All in all I felt better about how I rode.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Leaving for Le Tour of Ohio

Today has been event packed so far. After breakfast Erin and I took a bike ride north along the Greenbay Trail to the Ravinia Metra stop. It was really nice to finally go for a bike ride with her. By the time we got back home she was ready to be done. I forgot how people who don't ride all that much don't have much of a tolerance for sitting on a saddle for extended periods of time.

After showers we went down to Wicker Park to look at an apartment owned by friends of the family. It was small!!! Erin and I need to readjust out expectations for an apartment in Chicago. I think I'll need to land a job before we can start think about paying rent for any place that we'd find acceptable. The trip wasn't a bust. We got an idea of the kind of apartments that we can expect in the city and got to have lunch with Emily.

I had to stop at Turin to get supplies for ToOh on the way home. CC gave me the briefing on Ohio and then I came home to pack. My computer is the last thing to pack before I'm ready to go and the adventure begins!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Judson Ride without sprints

Looking forward to next week's Tour of Ohio, I chose not to sprint during the group ride this morning. This past week has been fantastic weather. I hope it keeps up!

Friday, June 15, 2007

The ENH Grand Prix

I got my picture taken today as part of the announcement/press realease for the Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Grand Prix of Cycling. It's the new Evanston Superweek race. Not only is Turin a sponsor of a Superweek race, but it's been designated as an NRC race as well. I'm excited. After the presentation, CC and I answered questions for a Pioneer Press (Evanston Review) reporter. I didn't get his name, but I hope to be quoted in the paper!

When I was a Cat 3 I won the Bensenville Superweek race. As far as I can remember, that was the last time that my parents saw me win a race. Now, I know I can't realistically win an NRC race in my current condition, but I will be mixing it up with the field in front of the residents of the town I grew up. Eddy Van Guyse will call my name with good reason that night.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Time to get Back On Track

Much has happened in the past month of no posting. It's made life too tiring to post, but I'm going to be doing my best to keep up with current posts and to work backward to fill in the enormous gap.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Congrats Mom

This evening Gates of Learning Preschool (mom's work) held a dinner to celebrate it's 10th anniversary of operation. Dad, Emily, Erin, and I arrived late for the preceding services due to a miscommunication, but we sure didn't miss the dinner. I'm really proud of mom. It's amazing to see all that she's created and all the families she's touched in the past 10 years at the temple. I was ready to put some space between myself and anyone younger than 5 by the end though. After they brought the dessert out, there was a significant increase in running in circles and screaming among the children. Tomorrow is the Winfield Twilight crit.

Check out Israel and Egypt photos here
Check out my Egypt photos here